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How long does a wooden house last?

Article published on May 3, 2014 at 2:50 PM

Do you want to buy or build a wooden house? The concern for longevity comes up very quickly. Contrary to what some people think, the lifespan of wooden frame houses is as considerable as that of traditional homes. Indeed, a wooden house can last a hundred years, or even much more taking into account certain factors. The lifespan of a wooden house varies depending on the wood used, the quality of construction and the maintenance of the house. Specialist in the construction of prestigious properties, Ax&D helps you know what the lifespan of a wooden house can be.

What wood is used to build a house?

The durability of a wooden house depends on the choice of wood which represents both the insulation and structural material and the decorative material. Wood therefore takes several forms during construction. Discover with Axe&D, builder of luxurious custom-made houses in Haute-Savoie, near Annecy, the different woods used in the construction of wooden houses.

Framing wood is also called structural wood. It is the wood that is found in the structure of the building. Framing wood represents the sections essential to the structure of the house. These include posts, beams, joists, lintels, structural timber, floor framing, roof framing and even stud timber. All these pieces of wood require, in certain cases, large spans and the technical particularities must correspond to their structural attribution.
There are several groups of framing lumber, including standard construction lumber and engineered lumber. There are also several standard woods such as:

  • light structural timber,
  • jointed wood,
  • large timber.

Lightweight structural lumber is used in many construction projects. This wood is characterized by a resinous appearance. Examples include fir and spruce. Lightweight structural timber is sawn and planed to obtain standard sizes. Heavy lumber corresponds to the large pieces usually used in the construction of posts and beams. Jointed wood is an assembly of small pieces of dry wood.

Engineered wood is much more processed than traditional construction wood. It is a material that has many advantages, particularly on an ecological and technical level. It is very resistant and allows you to obtain large-sized wood. Entrust us with your wooden house construction project if you want to have a prestigious property designed with high quality materials. Our expertise has been recognized for many years and all our achievements are unique.

Quality of construction of a wooden house

In France, there are several wooden construction systems. At Axe&D, we use the Axe&D construction system based on the post-beam technique, because it is one of the most innovative methods today. The post-beam system consists of a supporting structure with regularly spaced posts and beams. The beams are arranged horizontally on the vertical posts. The glued laminated process is most often used for installing beams. The blades are rigidly glued together, which helps to have very strong and very long wood.

The post-beam technique offers great architectural freedom and makes it possible to build modern, very airy houses, with mezzanines, bay windows, etc. Ax&eD offers you high-end properties. The originality of each creation illustrates in its own way a conception of life that we like to share with all fans of comfort, well-being and design. Browse all our offers to select the villa of your dreams.

Maintenance of wooden houses

Regular maintenance of your wooden house is very important, as it greatly influences its lifespan. After opting for quality wood, you must ensure that the builder of your house rigorously applies the construction technique. At Axe&D, we strictly respect manufacturing standards to offer you a prestigious, durable property with adequate thermal comfort respecting RE 2020.

You must then carry out regular maintenance of your exterior cladding over several years. It is recommended to treat the wood in your home approximately every five years. To maintain your wooden chalet, you can repaint it using microporous paint. This wicks away moisture and allows the walls to breathe better. Once a year, remember to inspect and check the general condition of your wooden house.