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Axe&D Construction System: The Art of Post-and-Beam

The Dunoyer Group, an unrivaled specialist in wooden house and chalet construction, has perfected the post-and-beam technique through its Axe&D system. With nearly three-quarters of a century of experience and over 1,500 completed projects, our expertise in this innovative timber-frame architecture is unmatched.

The Axe&D post-and-beam system

The Axe&D post-and-beam system

The Axe&D construction system is based on the post-and-beam technique, which involves crossing a grid of vertical posts with horizontal beams. The structure, made from glued-laminated timber, is sourced from the local company Euro Lamellé in Rumilly. This wood, selected for its local or European certified origin, ensures both strength and aesthetics. The ingenuity of post-and-beam construction lies in its ability to free up interior spaces from the constraints of load-bearing walls, offering open, adaptable spaces while giving the home a sleek, contemporary design.

A flexible architecture adaptable to your lifestyle

A flexible architecture adaptable to your lifestyle

The contemporary architecture of the post-and-beam system is fully adaptable. Without load-bearing walls, each home offers great freedom for layout changes, accommodating evolving needs throughout your life. This flexibility allows you to adjust your living space over time without major renovations, ensuring unparalleled comfort and timelessness.

A flexible and earthquake-resistant construction system

The flexibility of our post-and-beam construction system has also proven its effectiveness in earthquake resistance. During a rigorous test on a seismic table, one of our homes withstood tremors three times stronger than the most powerful earthquake ever recorded without collapsing. Thanks to its flexible structure, our buildings provide optimal safety in the face of earthquakes while maintaining structural integrity.

Livinfg in harmony with nature

Livinfg in harmony with nature

Eliminating load-bearing walls, replaced by transparent partitions, creates a direct connection with nature. The key is to enhance this construction principle by playing with volumes, outdoor access, views, and light changes. This dialogue with nature, combined with the use of wood, heightens the well-being of occupants. This feeling is further enhanced by the presence of natural light. Our designs blend architectural innovation with a deep connection to the environment, creating a luminous and tranquil living space.